Saturday, June 19, 2010

Elliott Says (Part 2)

Putting Elliott to bed a few nights ago:

"Mommy, do you have a big [boy parts]?"

"No, I'm made a little differently than you are."
I begin panicking and pray PLEASE don't ask for more details PLEASE don't ask.--

"Oh, your pee pee is in the back and you poop in the front?"

"Um, no, that part is the same. Hey, isn't Toy Story 3 coming out tomorrow?"


Singing a song from Children's church...

Who's in church today, church today, church today
Who's in church today
What's your name?
HIIiiii Kintzakahoon!!!

Who's in church today, church today, church today

Who's in church today
What's your name?
HIIiiii Pujo-pujo!!!

Aaaaannnd on and on with the unpronounceable names :P


You probably had to be there, and hear him say it, to realize what a compliment this was:

"I love my mommy and my daddy and my grandma and my aunt Marybeth and ... I LOVE MY OLD GRAY POPPOP!"

Friday, June 4, 2010

Five Reasons I Love Living with my Parents

In no particular order...

Not having to cook every night!
I’m sure my mom appreciates that reason, too. I also like that my mom cooks meat… it means I don’t have to! (Unless I really want to but, as a vegetarian, it’s a relief to be off the hook.)

My dad’s singing.
The songs he’s been singing since we were born – Janis Joplin, Disney, the usual stuff. The made up songs about worm guts and boogers. That Beyonce song you didn’t think a 60-year old man would know. The muffled but dramatic vocals coming from the shower. Best of all, I think we all love the songs he doesn’t entirely remember, where he just sings that same, beloved verse over and over again, without losing any gusto.

Elliott’s strangely normal transition.
The fact that Elliott adjusted right away and didn’t want to go back to our apartment. The first night, as it got late, he just said “can we stay here?” and I said.. “sure!”

From day one, he was home. Except for the one and only time that Poppop reprimanded him with a raised voice. Crushed, Elliott crawled on my lap and asked to go live somewhere else, like church or school.

But then they made nice and it was his home once again.

The beauty
I can just step outside and sit down, instead of walking (or driving) to a park. There are mountains, birds, fog, peace, the pond. It almost makes me want to live here forever. Except for the living-in-a-small-town part.

Reconnecting with my siblings
If it weren’t for Mom, I wouldn’t know any more about their lives than the rest of Facebook. I almost never plan my own visit to see my sisters and brother – I will just catch up with them next time we are all “home.”

Things that would make me love it even more…
If my mom and I had the same size feet.
If my dad liked eggplant.
If our cats could be friends.